Settlement Services
Settling into a new community can be overwhelming. Luckily, there are several services available to help you. Some are located here in Colchester County and others are in Halifax.
In Colchester County
YMCA Center for Immigrant Programs Truro Colchester Counter (YREACH)
YREACH staff can help you to learn about your new community and connect you to the services you need. If you came to Canada through an Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP), you can also get these 2 services:
- Needs Assessments
- Settlement Plans
YREACH also offers services that may make it easier for you to feel connected to your new community. These are some of those services:
- social events and recreational opportunities
- child and youth programming
- community collaboration and referrals
- awareness raising and welcoming communities
- initiatives
- solution-focused counselling and advocacy
To find out more, type YREACH into your search engine.
Truro Colchester Welcome Network
Our goal is to make everyone who is new to Truro and Colchester County feel welcome. That’s why we created this guide for you. We also host community activities and promote other welcome groups in our area.
Visit us on Facebook. Type “TCWelcomeNetwork” into the search box. There you will see the many activities and resources Truro and Colchester County have to offer.
Fostering Welcoming and Inclusive Communities
There are many organizations focused on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA), in Truro and Colchester County. They work to create more welcoming and inclusive communities.
Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)
ISANS’ goal is to create a community where all can belong and grow. They do this by helping immigrants in communities across Nova Scotia to settle in their new homes. These are some of the things ISANS can help you with:
- housing and tenancy
- financial and budgeting matters
- documents you need
- ways to advocate for yourself
To find out more, visit isans.ca.
YWCA Halifax- Financial Literacy for Newcomers (FLNP)
FLNP teaches newcomers how Canada’s financial system works. These are some of the things FLNP can help you with:
- budgeting
- savings
- credit
- buying a home
- filing your taxes
To find out more, visit ywcahalifax.com and type “financial literacy for newcomers” in the search box.