Other Health Resources
At healthnovascotia.ca, you can get a wealth of information on living a healthy life. You can also take part in online wellness sessions.
Pregnancy and maternity information
You should contact your primary health care provider as soon as you know you are pregnant. They can help and support you before and after your baby is born. They offer prenatal courses, which is a great way to meet other new parents. They also give you information about these things:
- sexual health
- pregnancy
- prenatal development
- childbirth
- breastfeeding your baby
Your health care provider may also tell you how you can register the birth of your child and get an official birth certificate.
Lillian Fraser Memorial Hospital
Location: 110 Blair Avenue, Tatamagouche.
This hospital has an Urgent Treatment Centre for health issues that are not life-threatening. Call 902-657-2382 to make an appointment. There may be a few walk-in appointments available.
Monday to Friday: 8 am to 4 pm
Weekends: 8 am to 7 pm.
Maternity leave
If you are pregnant and working, you may be able to take paid leave from your employer. Employment Insurance (EI) provides benefits to eligible parents who are expecting or have recently had a baby.
To find out more, visit canada.ca and type “maternity leave” in the search box