Cultural Services and Resources
Cultural services
Centre Communautaire Francophone de Truro (CCFT)
The CCFT is a place where the francophone community can meet and socialize. They offer social, cultural, and educational activities in French.
To find out more, visit centretruro.org
Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre
Based in Halifax, the Friendship Centre has five main roles:
- It helps Indigenous people adjust to life in an
- urban environment.
- It encourages Indigenous people to take part in
- all aspects of society.
- It strives to create mutual understanding and positive relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
- It works with government and other organizations to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples.
- It promotes the advancement of Indigenous peoples in these areas:
- education
- cultural
- financial wellbeing
To find out more, visit wijewinen.ca
Truro Pride Society
Truro Pride works to improve the representation and well-being of the local 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
To find out more, visit truropride.ca
Community Enhancement Association (CEA)
The CEA aims to build a stronger community for African Nova Scotian families in Truro and Colchester County. In particular, it works to ensure fair access for African Nova Scotians in these areas:
- employment
- education
- technology
- arts and culture
They work to build on strengths and meet the needs of African Nova Scotians of all ages.
To find out more, visit their Facebook page. Search “community enhancement association” or email them at CEATruro@outlook.com
Cultural resources
First Nations resources
Millbrook First Nation
Millbrook First Nation is a Mi’kmaq community located within the town of Truro. It is home to the Millbrook Cultural and Heritage Centre and the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq.
To find out more, visit millbrookband.com, millbookheritagecenter.ca, and cmmns.com
The Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre (MDCC)
The Cultural Centre is a charitable, not-for-profit First Nations organization. It gets its mandate from all 13 Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw chiefs. The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq administers the centre.
To find out more, visit mikmaweydebert.ca
Office of L’nu Affairs
The Office of L’nu Affairs has 4 main responsibilities:
- It leads negotiations of treaty rights between the Mi’kmaq and the Government of Canada.
- It coordinates consultation between the Government of Nova Scotia and the Mi’kmaq.
- It represents provincial interests in First Nations matters.
- It gives advice on how to support the social and economic well-being of First Nations communities.
To find out more, visit the Office of L’nu Affairs at beta.novascotia.ca/government/lnu-affairs
African resources
Throughout Nova Scotia’s history, African Nova Scotians have contributed to the fabric and success of our province. Today these settlers make up the African Nova Scotia community. It is the largest indigenous Black population in Canada.
To find out more, visit The Black Cultural Centre of Nova Scotia’s website at bccns.com. You can also find out
more at ourbuiltheritage.htnsarchived.ca
African Nova Scotian Affairs (ANSA)- Government of Nova Scotia
African Nova Scotian Affairs has 6 responsibilities:
- to help African Nova Scotian communities access programs and services
- to make sure the Government of Nova Scotia is aware of the issues and needs of African Nova Scotian communities
- to facilitate conversations between African Nova Scotians, the Government of Nova Scotia, and its partners
- to promote awareness of African Nova Scotian history and heritage
- to take part in community events, activities, and workshops
- to work with African Nova Scotian communities to help do these things:
- resolve issues
- develop new community programs
- support community celebrations
To find out more, email ANSA@novascotia.ca or visit the African Nova Scotian Affairs website.