Arts, Museums, and Events
There are many ways to enjoy the culture and history of Colchester County and beyond. Take in a musical or theatrical performance. Visit one of the many art galleries. Explore our local museums. Spend the day at a local festival.
Performance and Visual Arts
There are two arts centres in Truro and two in Tatamagouche:
The Grace Arts Centre
The Grace Arts Centre is a part of Creamery Square in Tatamagouche. It hosts live entertainment and community events. It also houses an art gallery that features visual art from across Canada.
To find out more, visit gracejollymore.com
The Fraser Cultural Centre
Located in Tatamagouche, the centre celebrates and promotes visual arts and crafts on the Northumberland Shore of Nova Scotia through events, gallery exhibits, and workshops.
To find out more, visit https://thefraser.org/
Marigold Cultural Centre
Located in Truro, the centre has 3 main spaces to take in or take part in the arts:
- a 208-seat theatre
- a small art gallery
- a workshop space for arts programming
To find out more, visit marigoldcentre.ca
Visual Voice
Visual Voice of Truro showcases artists in a variety of media and styles. They indulge the senses, enrich the local art scene, and raise the general appreciation of art.
To find out more, visit visual-voice.ca/fineart
There are 9 museums in Truro and Colchester County. Each one specializes in a part of our local history.
Bass River Heritage Museum
The museum is in an old church in the heart of the small community of Bass River. Here you can look back into the history of Bass River. You can also learn about the wooden chair-making company that was once located on this site. The Dominion Chair Company was the oldest furniture-making company in Eastern Canada. It exported chairs to as far away as New Zealand. The company operated from 1890 to 1991.
To find out more, visit bassrivermuseum.ca
Balmoral Grist Mill
The 3-storey mill is nestled in a wooded gorge on Matheson’s Brook. Here you can see grains ground, sifted, and turned into flour. The mill opened in 1874. While it is a museum now, it still operates in the same way.
To find out more, visit balmoralgristmill.novascotia.ca/
Colchester Historeum
The historeum is both a museum and archives. It is maintained by the Colchester Historical Society. The society works to preserve Colchester County’s history. It also offers an authentic perspective of local culture.
To find out more, visit colchesterhistoreum.ca
Creamery Square
It’s an historic waterfront development site in Tatamagouche, located along the Northumberland Shore’s scenic Sunrise Trail driving route that boasts a unique combination of exciting and interactive visitor activities.
To find out more, visit https://www.creamerysquare.ca/
Debert Military Museum
The museum preserves the military history of the former Camp Debert. About 300 thousand soldiers left Camp Debert to fight in World War II. During the Cold War, Camp Debert was home to a nuclear shelter for Canada’s leaders. When the bunker was sold, the new owners donated artifacts to the museum.
To find out more, visit debertmilitaryhistorysociety.weebly.com
The Diefenbunker opened in 1961 to protect members of the Canadian government and military during a nuclear attack. It was once part of Camp Debert, see above. It was once the site of Canada’s most top-secret communications during the Cold War. It closed in 1994. Today it is a non-profit museum with tours, programs, and an escape room.
To find out more, visit diefenbunker.ca/en
Little White Schoolhouse Museum
This museum shows you what school was like in Nova Scotia in the 19th and 20th centuries. This one-room schoolhouse is fully restored. It houses the books and tools students and teachers used at that time. The museum is open June 1 to August 31. Find it on the NSCC Truro Campus.
To find out more, visit littlewhiteschool.ca
Millbrook Cultural and Heritage Centre
The Millbrook Cultural and Heritage Centre tells the history and culture of the Mi’kmaw people. It does so through museum exhibits and the many activities it offers. Learn how to play the Mi’kmaw game of waltes. Take part in a scavenger hunt. Or take part in a drum-making workshop.
To find out more, visit millbrookheritagecentre.ca
Sutherland Steam Mill
Find the mill near Tatamagouche in the community of Denmark. In the 1890s this steam-powered mill turned trees into homes and home furnishings. The original operators of the mill designed and built some of the machines that are on display.
To find out more, visit sutherlandsteammill.novascotia.ca/
To find out more about museums in Nova Scotia, visit novascotia.com and type “museums” in the search box.
Festivals and Events
Truro and Colchester County host events and festivals all year long. Some, like our farmers’ markets, take place every week. At your local farmers’ market, you can listen to great music, eat great food, and meet friends. Entrance is free. There are 3 weekly farmers’ markets in Colchester County:
- Truro Farmers’ Market trurofarmersmarket.org/
- Portapique Farmers’ Market facebook.com/portapiquemarket/
- Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market tatafarmersmarket.com/
Calendar of Festivals and Events
Truro Winter Long John Festival
This is an annual event to challenge people to find ways to love the winter weather.
To find out more, visit trurolongjohn.ca
Fundy Shore Winter Carnival
This is an annual event to encourage people to go outside in the winter.
Truro Pride Week
Every year, Truro Pride celebrates the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Colchester County. Events include a Pride parade, speaker series, and community swim.
To find out more, visit truropride.ca/
Canada Day Celebrations
Various communities in the region put on Canada Day celebrations
Millbrook First Nation Competition Powwow
The powwow celebrates First Nations dance, music, and art. There are also competitions for drumming and dancing. The competitions honour the skill and talent of the participants.
To find out more, visit www.millbrookband.com/
Stewiacke Town Days
Stewiacke Town Days take place the first weekend in August. There are events for all ages. These are some of the activities:
- barbecues and picnics
- baseball and washer toss tournaments
- card parties
- fireworks
- a fun run
- a parade
- a strongman competition
- live music
To find out more, visit stewiacke.net and type “Stewiacke Town Days” in the search box.
Truro BuskerFest
BuskerFest is an on-the-street entertainment festival. Here you can find comedy, music, acrobats, and food.
To find out more, visit downtowntruro.ca and choose “Events Calendar” from the Quick Links at the bottom of the page.
EMBRACE Truro Festival
EMBRACE Truro celebrates the diversity and culture of the town. It takes place at Civic Square in downtown Truro.
To find out more, visit truro.ca and type “EMBRACE” in the search box.
There are more festivals and events organized by different community groups. Find them at the different municipal and community websites.